How can I revoke my certificate/delete my account?

If you decide for personal information to be fully deleted from our servers, that can easily be done by using either your smartphone or a laptop.

There are 3 possible steps to choose from.

To proceed with this process simply follow the steps below depending on the device:

1. If you’d like to revoke a certificate using a smartphone, start off by opening the ZealiD app. Once you’re there in the right top corner you’ll notice “Settings” - press on it. Below an option “Delete account” will appear. Confirm by pressing “OK” and use FaceID to complete the revocation.
Congratulations, the certificate has been revoked/account deleted.

2. If you’d like to revoke a certificate using a laptop, navigate to There, the ZealiD app is needed to scan a QR code, which will log you into the ZealiD website. Once you’re logged in, choose “Certificates” from the left side of the menu. A list of issued certificates appears, press “Revoke all” and confirm.
Congratulations, the certificate has been revoked/account deleted.

3. If you cannot revoke a certificate, or for example, the phone was stolen/lost, navigate to the website. Then press “About us” and select “Revocation”. Once revocation is selected you will notice a Revocation Request form. Once the form is filled out with the requested information - submit and the responsible team will receive the information about Revocation.